Comparative Analysis of Business Mechanisms in Urban vs. Rural Areas Across the USA and Canada
Although I spent the majority of my time in Quebec City inside the stuffy convention center, I did manage to do some sightseeing on my final day. Seventy years ago, Norman Levine wrote about the city: "People will come here to see this as something out of a museum, a museum piece, when the rest of the country has been swallowed up into a sameness." His prophecy is gradually coming true. People are arriving—the Old Port was packed with American tourists and the city has escaped the plague of modern "sameness," but the beauty feels like a museum piece.The stone streets remain as attractive as ever, even if the quality of the art galleries has fallen to appeal to cruise ship tastes, but you must seek attentively to find remnants of the city's historic culture. In certain situations, it is hidden in plain sight, such as in street names like Rue de Brébeuf, Rue Sainte-Anne, and Rue Sainte-Ursule, as well as the imposing facade of the Monastère des Ursulines in the ol...