The US Dream: Why Are Brazilians Moving Across Borders?

Lowkey income countries of origin, fam

 For this squad of countries, the fact that there's already a bunch of migrants in the host country is like the biggest thing. These are the like, total network vibes. They can totally boost migration in different ways, like making it way cheaper to move to a new country (both money-wise and non-money-wise), helping out new migrants (like finding a place to crash), and making it easier to find a job (Rapoport 2016; Beine, Docquier, & Özden, 2011).

OMG, countries with mad high total fertility rates don't have peeps leaving like at all. It's like, they're too busy making babies to even think about moving. LOL. The vibes between total fertility rates and emigration are like, totally linked. When fertility goes down, emigration goes up, you know? This result can be explained cuz countries with high fertility are usually in the first phase of demographic transition and have lower socio-economic development (R. Lee 2003). Lit, right? A decline in fertility is like, usually accompanied by, like, increasing education levels and economic development. OMG, like this totally lets more peeps have the cash flow to dip to another country.
Low GDP per capita, low education levels and high fertility levels in countries of origin all be like describing an early stage of socio-economic development, ya know? OMG cuz these variables are like sooo connected, it's like super hard to like fully untangle their relationships in our model, ya know? This may explain why GDP per-capita at origin is not statistically significant and the importance of education is like, kinda small compared to other studies in the literature (Grogger & Hanson, 2011; Dao, Docquier, Parsons, & Peri, 2018). GDP per, but make it lit fam no cap, education and stuff don't really affect migration like that. it's all about the fertility rate, you feel me?

Fav econ conditions in dest countries attract migration from low income countries. Flexin' on that global hustle, ya know? 

The analyses also consider geographical and cultural factors (the table with all these factors included in the model is in the Methodological Annex). Yo, like, the fact that they got this trade thing going on makes people wanna migrate, but the distance be like, nah, not gonna happen. Mid income countries of origin, fam. Net effects, like, and economic factors, are like the main drivers of migration outta the middle income countries. The vibes of a lit GDP show that the economic game is strong in middle income countries, which is causing more peeps to dip and emigrate from there. This is like totally on point with theories on mobility transitions and the 'migration hump' which describe, like, an inverse U-shaped relation between migration and development. Like, migration is all like, "yo, I'm gonna go up and then down with economic development, you know? (Clemens 2014b; Zelinsky 1971; Skeldon 2012)." OMG, when it comes to low income countries, having lots of babies actually makes people less likely to bounce (aka emigrate) to other countries. Like, the more babies, the less people peace out. But like, this is way more important in low income countries than in middle income countries, ya know? This is like saying that the connection between fertility and migration becomes less important as a country gets richer, ya know?36. OMG, like, countries that are poppin' with economic growth usually attract more peeps to immigrate, ya know? Despite being recognized in the lit as one of the most relevant explanations of migration37, the importance of education is like, pretty small. Like, yo, the connection between GDP per capita and education is lowkey lit. The GDP might, like, lowkey show how education and migration are linked, you know?

Yoooo, where my rich homies at? High income countries be flexin'!

Netwerks and economic vibes are like the most lit factors that make people bounce from high income countries, ya know? OMG, unlike the other country squads, the connection between GDP per capita at origin and migration is, like, totally negative. OMG, when the economy is lit in sending countries, peeps are less likely to dip out. This totally backs up the whole inverse U-shaped vibe between development and migration I mentioned earlier, ya know? OMG, the fertility rate changes in high income countries are like not even a big deal, especially in those countries that are all about that second demographic transition and have like low and steady fertility rates. Posi economic vibes in the destination country, tho not as big of a deal as other factors, tend to lowkey attract migration from high income countries. Different channels for migrating to the EU: fam, work, and edu. The second set of analyses be like all about the drivers of different channels of migration of Third Country Nationals to the EU, ya know? Like, we talkin' 'bout permits for family formation and reunification, work and education and stuff. Specifically, it's based on Eurostat's annual data on residence permits for the EU28 Member States. The analysis includes more than 140 countries of origin as well as the EU28 Member States as destinations, fam.


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