Comparative Analysis of Business Mechanisms in Urban vs. Rural Areas Across the USA and Canada

Canadians make more than the minimum wage. Also, in Canada, we don't give staff who get tips a break on their pay. As a thank you for good service, tips are nice. This means that food that costs US$1.29 at a fast food restaurant in the US costs C$1.89 there.Toys stores in Canada need places for $1 and $2 coins, but not pennies. They only take $5, $10, and $20 bills. People still don't use $50s very often. Most debit card readers have a "tap" feature that makes it very easy to pay. This is just now going online in the US, but we've had them in Canada for years A lot of the time.

Canadian manufacturers price their bills of materials in US dollars because that's how most of our parts are priced.

Companies in Canada have to pay a small fee every employee to help pay for their health insurance. Like C75. In the United States, most companies pay 80% of their employees' health insurance. This means that each person makes between $400 and over $1,000 a month. They can also pay nothing and let a lot of workers leave.This story is all that it is. And might not be true to life. A Canadian tax software business hired me and I worked there for a few years. We had the most sales. We got along pretty well with the other tax software companies in Canada. They would take our ideas from time to time. Someone even copied a lot of our instructions. Oh, no. We all had our own places to fit in, and things were pretty calm.

An American tax and accounting firm (whose name might or might not rhyme with Wiccan) entered the market at some point. They filed a suit against us. We put out a new product. A lawsuit. We had a coupon scheme. A lawsuit.Eventually, our CEO went to a golf club and met the CEO of the US tax software business that had sued us several times. He got along well with our CEO. Glad to give him money and buy him a drink. He was very different from the attacks on our company that seemed very harsh."Umm, you've been suing us a lot," our CEO finally told him. "What's wrong with us?"The US CEO looked shocked, like our CEO had asked him, "Are you sure the sun will rise tomorrow?""Oh, geez, it's not my fault." That's how we run our business. It is the American way to use the court system to get what we want. The United States was founded during a long and bloody revolution. This war started two cultural trends that are still going strong today: first, the culture of war and everything related to it; and second, the culture of guns and the idea that they can solve problems by using them or at least force.Canada, on the other hand, was started almost 150 years ago by a group of twelve leaders who met over several years to ask their parent country to let them become a self-governing dominion of the Queen (Victoria at the time). Over the next 120 years or so.

Canada went from being a self-governing province to a fully independent country.

In the 1980s, we took our constitution back from England. We got our freedom because of how we fought in the first and second world wars, but that didn't lead to a strong military tradition. Truth be told, Canada was completely independent after World War II, even though it didn't have a constitution. So Canada grew by having a culture of talking about our problems. Sometimes those words get angry and threatening, like in the Anglophone-Francophone debates that caused a lot of trouble in the second half of the 20th century, but they never got violent—except for a short time in 1971.The unofficial words that describe our beliefs are another way to show how we are different. What does it mean in the US? "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." To put it another way, each person's rights is the most important thing. So, the right to keep and bear guns and the fight against government control.

What does Canada stand for Peace, Order, and Good Government.

People in Canada are taught from a young age that they are responsible for each other and that the good of the group comes before their own. So, we need universal Medicare and to be open to changes that make sense, like getting rid of useless dollar bills in favor of coins and pennies or switching to the metric system (we're still working on that one though).Other people have written a lot about the other differences, some of which are more funny than true, so I won't go over them again. But I hope I've shown how our cultures are very different.I believe that Canada's election system is much more stable and successful than the American system. This makes sense, since Canada's system was created much later than the American one, and Canada learned from America's mistakes.

It seems like Americans have a skewed view of their own past... Racism has been and still is a problem in both countries. The slave trade in America and the treatment of native people in Canada are two examples. However, Canada is more open about its mistakes and wrongdoing, has officially apologized, and is determined to move forward as a country. America, on the other hand, doesn't seem to believe that anything ever happened. 


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