Meanwhile, organizations like the Muslim Association of Canada and the National Council of Canadian Muslims (which, according to online records, have received over $1.34 million in federal funding between them since 2018) may be more cautious in their messaging, but they remain ambiguous about what the world has witnessed. Their use of "two-sideism" and other deceptive tactics has concealed the extent to which they indirectly support Hamas' narrative. If, in the face of incontrovertible proof of violence and cruelty against Israelis, your first reaction is to lament "the tyranny and terrorism of the Zionists" or attack Israel's democratic government, you've effectively revealed your true character.Which, in terms of pluralism protections, is fair enough. One can oppose the current Israeli administration or even criticize the State of Israel while still being able to take use of Canada's guarantees for free conscience and expression. We cannot, and should not, police people's thoughts. However, this does not imply that extreme groups are entitled to taxpayer funding, or that individuals who cross the line from fair disputes to the encouragement and celebration of violence should not face consequences.These simple insights should not be controversial on their own. Our commitment to plurality must be unwavering until it threatens the fundamental security and stability of our own society. As my former boss, Brian Lee Crowley, has frequently stated, "[we cannot llow] our list of freedoms to become our suicide note.
Drawing these lines is, of course, complicated.
Our default assumption must be very tolerant. Just because a concept is controversial or contrary to popular opinion does not mean it should be excluded from the public square. Our willingness to safeguard ample room for such perspectives is one indicator of our society's health. Imposing boundaries around the public space carries significant risk. people parameters can be misapplied, misinterpreted, or even used by people whose primary objective is to limit views that do not align with their own preferences. Just because something is difficult does not mean that we should avoid it.There are viewpoints that should be rejected, marginalized, and barred from obtaining public funding. Even if one is wary of laws and policies that criminalize acts such as terrorism glorification, there should be a consensus that we have a collective responsibility to condemn such behavior in order to effectively raise its social costs and signal to those within and outside of our society that our pluralism is not a license for depravity or violence.Canada has effectively staked its future on pluralism. As our population becomes more diverse, the number of points of view will increase, and pluralism will be critical for managing diversity. I believe it's an excellent bet. Unlike some conservatives, I've generally disagreed with the urge to criticize Prime Minister Trudeau's claim that "diversity is our strength." I believe it is broadly true. However, if our pluralism is not principled, if it does not include some boundaries, diversity will cease to be our strength and may finally become the source of our downfall.Hamas terrorists launched an unprecedented surprise attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip early Saturday morning, killing at least 250 Israelis and injuring at least 1,500, in the country's bloodiest strike in decades.
on response, Israel commenced airstrikes on Gaza.
with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaring that his country is now "at war" and will exact a "unprecedented price" on Hamas.The Hub's editor-at-large, Sean Speer, chats with leading author, writer, and thinker David Frum about what will happen next in the region and how Canada and the rest of the globe should respond.SEAN SPEER: You consistently add a historical perspective to our biweekly discussions. Put this weekend's events into historical context. How do they compare to previous threats to Israel, and how does the accompanying military effort stack up?DAVID FRUM: October 7, 2023 was the worst single day in Israeli history. The number of dead, wounded, and abducted considerably outnumbers the bloodiest day of the Yom Kippur War. The Yom Kippur War began as a surprise attack, although it was otherwise a normal military operation focused at military targets (despite atrocities against Israeli prisoners of war, particularly by Syrian forces). In contrast, the Hamas massacre targeted civilians, particularly the elderly, children, and women. Sexual assault appears to have been included in the attack as an intentional strategy by Hamas. Tactics resemble a Nazi "Aktion" on the eastern front during the summer and fall of 1941 more than any other type of military action.SEAN SPEER: Let me inquire about Israel's response to these horrific attacks. What do you think it should be and what do you believe it will be? Is there a space between the two?
DAVID FRUM: With over 100 Israelis kidnapped as hostages.
Israel will find it impossible to resist the impulse to send forces to rescue them. This appears to be the action Hamas is inviting, and it is generally dangerous to undertake things that the adversary invites. Urban warfare on and under the streets of densely populated Gaza appears unlikely to provide beneficial outcomes for Israel.Israel's strategic goal must be the eradication of Hamas as a political movement. This goal must be pursued using all methods, not just—and possibly not even primarily—military means. Qatar has provided asylum to the Hamas leadership. If this trend continues, Qatar should be considered a belligerent power rather than a neutral one. No more Hamas in Qatar, no more Qatari support for Hamas, or Qatar will face reprisal on par with Hamas.
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